while this is certainly not my first blog, i am going to consider it my first "big-girl" blog, seeing as there is officially no denying that i am nearly a grown up. ok, apparently there's still a little denial but that certainly is not a detriment to my character.

i am 25 and i work in the non-profit "industry". i work for the fundraising department of the largest grassroots environmental organization in the country. i enjoy the atmosphere, the motives, and the work enough, but let's face it, i barely make enough money to live by.

ergo, i babysit 15 or so hours a week to supplement my income. i babysit some really great kids!

i have a bachelor's degree in cultural anthropology from an honor's college in baltimore. i live in tampa, fl and have for the last two years. in that time, i have moved four times. in the last seven years, i have moved at least 15 times through four different states. i enjoy the transient life in many ways but would like to find it in my heart to settle rather soon. the irony is that i don't want to be in tampa forever so "soon" most likely means at least four years from now.
i am currently in school at night to acquire my teaching certification for grades k-5. it's rigorous and stressful but i'm planning on it being well worth it. i have always known i will teach. i got my fill of it through nannying and now through babysitting, but it's time to make it a career. i am counting the weeks until graduation -- only 47 to go!
i have two beautiful boxer pups and a lump-o-love cat named fish. they are the focus of my few free hours. my other obsessions include singing and playing my tinwhistles, decorating my house, LOST, kayaking, collecting kitschy unicorn iconography, Yankee Candles, Indian food, and key lime pie. i am a vegetarian and have been slowly moving toward this lifestyle since the age of 10 when i stopped eating ground beef. i haven't eaten red meat since 14 and have cut out all meat about 5 years ago. i really just don't like the way it makes me feel.
i admit that my life is not nearly as exciting as it has been in the past, but i am proud of what i am accomplishing. i am taking the time to reflect on my life and make the best decisions for the future. ew, i guess i really am growing up.
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